Prime Value Emerging Opportunities Fund is an Managed Funds investment product that is benchmarked against ASX Index Small Ordinaries Index and sits inside the Domestic Equity - Small Cap Index. Think of a benchmark as a standard where investment performance can be measured. Typically, market indices like the ASX200 and market-segment stock indexes are used for this purpose. The Prime Value Emerging Opportunities Fund has Assets Under Management of 0.00 M with a management fee of 1.25%, a performance fee of 0 and a buy/sell spread fee of 0.8%.
The recent investment performance of the investment product shows that the Prime Value Emerging Opportunities Fund has returned 0.22% in the last month. The previous three years have returned 2.28% annualised and 14.35% each year since inception, which is when the Prime Value Emerging Opportunities Fund first started.
There are many ways that the risk of an investment product can be measured, and each measurement provides a different insight into the risk present. They can be used on their own or together to perform a risk assessment before investing, but when comparing investments, it is common to compare like for like risk measurements to determine which investment holds the most risk. Since Prime Value Emerging Opportunities Fund first started, the Sharpe ratio is NA with an annualised volatility of 14.35%. The maximum drawdown of the investment product in the last 12 months is -8.82% and -23.78% since inception. The maximum drawdown is defined as the high-to-low decline of an investment during a particular time period.
Relative performance is what an asset achieves over a period of time compared to similar investments or its peers. Relative return is a measure of the asset's performance compared to the return to the other investment. The Prime Value Emerging Opportunities Fund has a 12-month excess return when compared to the Domestic Equity - Small Cap Index of -5.01% and 0.85% since inception.
Alpha is an investing term used to measure an investment's outperformance relative to a market benchmark or peer investment. Alpha describes the excess return generated when compared to peer investment. Prime Value Emerging Opportunities Fund has produced Alpha over the Domestic Equity - Small Cap Index of NA% in the last 12 months and NA% since inception.
For a full list of investment products in the Domestic Equity - Small Cap Index category, you can click here for the Peer Investment Report.
Prime Value Emerging Opportunities Fund has a correlation coefficient of 0.91 and a beta of 0.86 when compared to the Domestic Equity - Small Cap Index. Correlation measures how similarly two investments move in relation to one another. This establishes a 'correlation coefficient', which has a value between -1.0 and +1.0. A 100% correlation between two investments means that the correlation coefficient is +1. Beta in investments measures how much the price moves relative to the broader market over a period of time. If the investment moves more than the broader market, it has a beta above 1.0. If it moves less than the broader market, then the beta is less than 1.0. Investments with a high beta tend to carry more risk but have the potential to deliver higher returns.
For a full quantitative report on Prime Value Emerging Opportunities Fund and its peer investments, you can click here for the Peer Investment Report.
For a full quantitative report on Prime Value Emerging Opportunities Fund compared to the ASX Index Small Ordinaries Index, you can click here.
To sort and compare the Prime Value Emerging Opportunities Fund financial metrics, please refer to the table above.
This investment product is in the process of being independently verified by SMSF Mate. Once we have verified the investment product, you will be able to find more information here.
SMSF Mate does not receive commissions or kickbacks from the Prime Value Emerging Opportunities Fund. All data and commentary for this fund is provided free of charge for our readers general information.
The fund returned -1.2% in August, 0.1% better than the Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index return of -1.3%.
August was reporting season when most companies report their financial results for the period to June 30. Broadly speaking, shares prices follow earnings so it is a critical time to assess how a company is performing and how it is likely to perform in future. We met with over 100 companies during this period.
It is clear the economy is softening, which is to be expected after multiple rate risesthat started in May 2022. As you would expect. the more cyclical sectors are experiencing the toughest conditions, namely media (advertising), retail and residential housing. Advertising softened from late 2022 while retail took another c. 3-6 months to be impacted (depending on the category).
Residential housing impacts were staggered with house prices softening first in mid 2022, which flowed through to weak listing volumes (houses for sale), followed by weakening household goods demand and more recently softer construction activity. Interestingly these are starting to improve in the same order with house prices starting to rise moderately c. 6 months ago, which has flowed through to higher listing volumes recently. Should this be sustained, it’s likely household goods purchases and construction activity will also improve.
Cost pressures were a feature in reported results but are easing. It’s easier to find employees and staff turnover is reducing. Shipping rates are typically at or below pre-covid levels after increasing c. 500% previously. Many are reporting manufacturing costs out of China have reduced.
These easing pressures are being reflected in softening inflation data globally and locally which is a positive sign in that it reduces upward pressure on interest rates.
The rearview is interesting insofar as it helps assess implications for future performance. Kelsian reported a result below expectations due to challenges sourcing labour, however we view this as a short-term issue and increased our holding after the stock fell. Sourcing drivers of their buses is becoming easier and should result in an earnings uplift in 2024. The business is relatively defensive, its US acquisition was surprisingly strong and valuation is compelling in our view.
The fund returned +2.9% in July, -0.6% below the Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index return of +3.5%. Key fund contributors over the month were Lindsay Australia (LAU +18.4%), SG Fleet (SGF +13.9%) and Credit Corp (CCP +19.2%). Key detractors were Kelsian (KLS -4.5%), Austal (ASB -7.2%), and AUB Group (AUB -2.4%).
July continued the strong recovery in the Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index which has risen 12.8% from September 2022 lows, reflecting a recovery of 40% of the fall from peak levels in December 2021.
As we mentioned last month, very few investors expected such strong market returns highlighting that short term returns are hard to predict and long-term investing is best.
We highlight this via a couple of twenty-year charts, the first of which shows the monthly returns of the Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index since July 2003, which appears relatively volatile and lacking direction.
The fund returned +2.9% in June, 2.9% above the Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index return of 0.0%. June concluded the financial year and returns were strong for both the market (Small Ords Accum +8.5%) and the fund (+13.7%).
Very few expected such strong market returns highlighting that short term returns are hard to predict and long-term investing is best. There are good years and bad years but over the long term, returns are very strong. By being invested, unit holders have benefitted from a +13.7% year when many other asset values declined.
The fund has performed well in recent years consistently generating returns above the market (table below) through highly variable conditions that have tested investor styles and biases. Markets have experienced bull/bear markets, rising/falling interest rates, strong/weak economic growth, tech boom/bust and covid. The fund’s risk is also well below market as measured by volatility of returns (table below). Higher returns and lower risk is our ongoing aim.
The fund returned +0.4% in May, which was 3.6% ahead of the Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index return of ‐3.3%, and 2.1% ahead of the Small Industrials Accumulation Index which fell ‐1.7%.
The month was characterised by strong returns from Technology and Lithium stocks, and weak performances from the broader Resources and Retail sectors, with the Small Resources Accumulation index ‐7.1%.
Local Technology stocks appeared to rally following a material profit upgrade from US‐listed Artificial Intelligence beneficiary, NVIDIA. Conversely, softer Chinese economic data saw Resource stocks sold off, while Retail stocks were hit by signs that consumer demand is softening. Key fund contributors in May were Kelsian (KLS +11.5%), Newscorp (NWS +11.3%) and Austal (ASB +19.0%). Key detractors were AUB Group (AUB ‐8.0%), Helloworld (HLO ‐10.6%) and EQT Holdings (EQT ‐3.7%).
Kelsian (KLS) rose on limited new news, and has steadily become one of the fund’s largest holdings. For us, it is a reminder of the importance of investing in quality businesses at the right price. For a long time, we have been attracted to Kelsian’s resilient public bus business model, that sees it generate inflation‐protected cash flows with no fare box risk from long‐ term contracts with government counterparties, and without material capital investment in key infrastructure in some regions. However, we were not alone in appreciating these qualities, with investors pushing the stock beyond our valuation tolerance levels to >$9ps for much of 2021 following a series of contract wins and renewals. But no‐one has a perfect win rate, and shortly thereafter, the company’s extraordinary winning streak came to an end as it missed out on several tender opportunities.
This saw investors lose faith and push the stock down into our hitting zone, resulting in our initial purchase in Jan 2022 at c. $6.50ps. Further ‘disappointments’ from the failed attempt to acquire a large UK bus operator saw the stock fall lower, providing the opportunity to add 25% to the fund’s holding below $6ps in Sept 2022, and a further 25% addition below $5ps in Oct 2022. Through this time that the stock halved in price, nothing had changed with regards to its business model or operating performance; investors had simply fallen out of love. And just as a perfect hitrate is unobtainable, a perfect lossrate issustained by few, and Kelsian has since enjoyed more than its market share worth of new wins through the NSW Government’s recent tender process, resulting in a ~50% share price rise since (to $6.80ps). Our most recent opportunity to add to the position came in Mar 2023, participating in an equity raise (at $5.55ps) as the company acquired a large US bus business with an experienced management team and an impressive organic growth profile.
The key in this case study is the importance of the entry price of an investment; it is a key component of the returns ultimately generated. It will surprise many to learn that the share price of the median company in the Small Ordinaries index is trading 22% below its 52‐week high, while also trading 29% above its 52‐week low – that is, the median company has traded in a >50% share price range over the past year.
The fund returned +3.4% in April, 0.6% above the Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index of +2.8%. April was the 5-year anniversary of the fund being managed by at least one of the current team. Over that time investment returns have been strong (+11.6% p.a. v’s Small Ords Accum +3.9%/Small Industrials Accum +3.0%) and consistent (outperformed both indices every year). In our view, more important is the way in which those returns have been achieved.
The fund consistently ranks as one of the lowest risk in its smallcap peer group (measured by volatility of returns). We value more certain returns over potentially high returns with high risk. Investment returns are prominently disclosed and highly visible for most funds but risk is often overlooked, particularly in the small cap space. It is a key part of our investment process.
Over the last 3 years the fund’s risk measured by volatility of returns (standard deviation) is 16.4% which is circa 20% below the Small Ords Index and its peer group. Capital preservation is reflected in the fund’s performance in down-markets with it outperforming the Small Ords 81% of months when the index return was negative.
The fund returned -0.8% in March, broadly in line with the Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index of -0.7%, but was +2.2% ahead of the Small Industrials Accumulation Index which fell -3.0%.
The month was characterised by a strong Resources sector (+5.6%), with Resource companies representing 15 of the top 20 performing stocks for the month, driven by a +7.8% rise in the Gold price as a flight to safety response to the global banking crisis.
It was also interesting to see a resumption of corporate activity in the form of M&A and capital raisings, with bids made for Invocare (private equity bidder), Estia Health (private equity bidder), Healius (trade buyer) and United Malt (trade buyer).
The fund was a beneficiary of the latter transaction, as French competitor Malteries Soufflet lodged a nonbinding and indicative proposal for UMG for $5.00ps in cash. The United Malt Board has indicated that it is supportive of a binding offer of at least this amount, should one eventuate.
Key fund contributors in March were United Malt (UMG +33.1%), Regis Healthcare (REG +23.9%) and Lindsay Australia (LAU +17.5%). Key detractors were Bravura (BVS -41.6%), AUB Group (AUB -7.8%) and Kelsian (KLS -9.6%).
The fund’s return was +0.2% in February, 3.9% above the Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index of -3.7%.
The fund’s strong relative performance in February (+3.9%) followed relative underperformance (-3.0%) in January. Returns were positive in both months and it feels like the fund is steadily moving upward while the market is bouncing around it as risk appetite ebbs and flows. The fund has delivered a positive return in 6 of the 8 months this financial year (index 4 of 8) despite fears of inflation and rising interest rates.
We continue to hold a portfolio of stocks which individually are high quality, all are profitable and most we consider structurally growing with less dependence on the economic cycle. The equity we own in this group of companies should grow in value over coming years and provide a reasonable dividend stream along the way. Less certain is market sentiment and how this value is reflected in stock prices in the short term. We hold stocks for an average of 4 years which reflects our belief in the power of compounding wealth through the patient ownership of quality assets that grow in value over time.
With February marking the 3 year anniversary of markets first being impacted by covid, it is interesting to look back at asset returns over this time. Most asset prices are higher, benefitting from significant monetary and fiscal stimulus e.g. large cap equities, commodities, residential property and even bitcoin, used cars, wine & watches. With this stimulus being withdrawn over the last 12 months, many assets have been falling in value. One asset class that is already below its pre-covid high is small industrial equities, in which the Emerging Opportunities Fund specialises. It appears reasonable to draw the conclusion that this asset has already deflated and there are attractive opportunities available. This is reflected in valuations with small industrial valuations at 20 year lows relative to large industrials.
In small cap equities there are 2 main sectors; Small Resources (mining companies) and Small Industrials (non-mining companies). Relative to pre-covid (Feb ’20), the Small Resources Accumulation index is +40%, while the Small Industrials Accumulation is -8%. As the Emerging Opportunities Fund does not invest in mining, this has been a significant headwind to relative performance over the last 3 years. Despite this the fund has outperformed the index which combines both sectors (Small Ordinaries Accumulation) by 6% p.a. (after fees) over 3 years. When markets turn and small industrials come back into favour, we believe the fund is well positioned to deliver strong returns.
At the stock level there are many opportunities that highlight the value on offer. One of the largest holdings in the fund is EQT Holdings, a trustee business founded in 1888. It is a high quality, resilient business with a diverse, growing customer base that we expect to grow for decades to come. EQT’s earnings per share is expected to be 50% higher in FY25 than in FY19 yet the stock price is currently 20% lower than 2019. At some point this value creation will be reflected in a significantly higher stock price and the fund will benefit. Good things come to those who wait…
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